GENERAL The ITherm Achievement Award, first instituted in 1996, is presented biennially in recognition of significant contributions made in thermal and thermomechanical management of electronics.
The Award, to be presented at the ITherm Banquet includes a memento, a plaque, and an honorarium. Travel, conference registration, and lodging will be complimentary. The recipient is expected to attend ITherm and present an Invited Lecture on the topic of their choosing.
The recipient is selected by an Award Committee comprised of the ITherm Executive Committee (past ITherm General Chairs), the Conference General Chair, and the Conference Program Chair(s). If any of the committee members listed above are Award nominees, they will be excused from the selection process. The Committee will be chaired by a member of the ITherm Executive Committee, appointed by the Conference General Chair.
SELECTION CRITERIA Selection criteria (weightage in parentheses) include the following: PIONEERING electronics thermal/thermomechanical research contributions 33% SUSTAINED electronics thermal/thermomechanical research contributions 33% SERVICE to the electronics thermal/thermo-mechanical management community and SUPPORT of ITherm-related activities 33%
These criteria will be publicized on the ITherm website and communicated via email to various mailing lists.
NOMINATION MATERIAL The nomination package should include: NOMINATION letter no longer than 2 pages, listing key accomplishments and basis for nomination LETTERS of support (up to four letters may be submitted)
Nominations will be considered active for the year in which they were submitted and the two subsequent award cycles (four additional years). Nominators will be contacted during every cycle to see if they would like to avail of the additional cycles of eligibility for their nominee.
These requirements will be publicized on the ITherm website and communicated via email to various mailing lists.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE Nominations will be submitted to the Committee Chair by February 15 of the year of the conference.
SELECTION PROCEDURE Completed nomination packages will be distributed to the Committee for consideration, not less than 1-2 weeks before the balloting. The list of candidates will be voted on in a two-step process as follows: Step 1: Every committee member shall select a top five (unranked selection) from among the pool of nominees. This selection may either be done during a conference call or anonymously via email to the Conference Administrative Chair, who shall serve as a vote tabulator. This first step will yield a list of the top vote-getting nominees.
Step 2: The top four (or five, at the discretion of the committee) nominees will be voted on using a ranking system awarding 4 points to the top candidate, 3 to the next best, and so on. Votes will be mailed in to the Administrative Chair, who will serve as vote tabulator. This second step will be used to identify a consensus Award recipient.
The selected recipient will be notified informally by the nominator and formally by the Conference Chair. After this, the Award Committee Chair will work with the Conference Chair and the nominator to develop the details of the Award ceremony.
The nominator will obtain the recipient�s biographical sketch/photograph so that it can be published in the conference proceedings.